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ART news & views

A fresh start
Volume: 2 Issue No: 1 Month: 2 Year: 2010

A month into the new year, and already there are rays of hope.

The last year had been a year of change. The hardships of recession taught us quite a few lessons. It taught us the value of thrift, that a family dinner at home is a lot more exclusive than one at a five star restaurant, and that to be on one's guard makes better sense for the future. True, a lot was cut to size, but that, on hindsight seems good.

Because the results are showing. Stock markets around the world are looking up and people all over are hoping for the good life to return again. Market observers think that if the good health persists, the art market will also get a positive rub-off.

And in this atmosphere, we had also been partners in that hope. Celebrating the spirit, we arranged a get-together of artists of the city as well as people who regularly interact with them at Aakriti on January 4. The chill outside was easily defeated as artists and connoisseurs mingled in the warm spirit of bonhomie, the warmth enlarged manifold with a variety of snacks and the freewheeling discussion that got all the more spirited with the right lacing of spirit among all present.

Discussions ranged from the present art scenario, how the market should act, to raising a corpus for artists in need. The idea, proposed by the eminent painter Jogen Chowdhury, has been received with much enthusiasm and is poised to mark yet another chapter in the consolidation of the artist fraternity of Kolkata.

Last month, the mayor of Sweden had also dropped in at Aakriti, to discuss a full-fledged reciprocal programme between India and Sweden, involving art, theatre and other forms of aesthetics.

We at your friendly art newsletter have also decided to aspire for a little more. The first step of which has been the changeover.

Changeover, to what?

Well, your very own 'Art-News and Views' just got bigger and better. And this, dear friend, is its first look. The newsletter that reached your writing table for the better part of last year will now be bulkier. And the bulk will include a wider scope, with more subjects, more news and more info just not about the art scene, but also about other pursuits arty books, cinema, theatre et al. But the icing on the cake, dear friend, will be the info you get about the activities to take place at some the best Auction Houses around the world, including Christies, Sotheby's and Bonham's. You will also get a lowdown on market trends and be able to form a clear idea about the true worth of the present art market around the world.

So, dear friend, do sit back and enjoy. Read, react. And do let us know what you find dear, and what you hate in the pages that follow.

Happy reading.