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ART news & views

Visible Invisible by Siraj Saxena
Volume: 3 Issue No: 12 Month: 1 Year: 2011


Art Konsult
December 30 to January 20


Siraj Saxena's solo show, Visible Invisible, opened on 30th December, 2010 and continues till 20th January, 2011 at Art Konsult.  Being a Government Institute of Fine Arts graduate, Siraj has been working enthusiastically with his very own language of demonstration.

Expressing his views on Siraj's work, Ashok Vajpeyi said, “Art operates in the realm of the visible and yet it gives us constantly intimations of the invisible. Sometimes it endeavors to push or bring the invisible to the realm of visibility. While, with some effort, the visible can be described, the invisible remains ineffable. Therefore, talking about art is largely talking about the visible and often suggesting or evoking the invisible. It is almost always inadequate primarily because nothing much can be said or written about the invisible. In Siraj Saxena's art one could discern a reality which is a created or painted surface of something which is deeply and unavoidably invisible. As a young painter Siraj Saxena is well on his way to evolve his own idiom of revealing his own unique artistic reality. Here is art not about some pre-existing reality: here is art creating its own reality.”