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ART news & views

Publisher's Note
Volume: 4 Issue No: 20 Month: 9 Year: 2011

First of all, a big thank you to all who have appreciated as well as given their valuable feedback on the first issue of artetc. news & views dealing with Prints. This coupled with the fact that with each passing day, in the new matrix of world economy, Prints are becoming more and more popular, we at artetc. news & views decided to give you, dear reader, a more inclusive and in-depth view of the world of Prints. Therefore, we have decided to come up with two more issues on Prints after the first one. Hence, this as well as the next issue will focus specially on Prints. We are thankful to our guest editor, Waswo X. Waswo, photographer, artist and print expert par excellence to have agreed to work on all the three editions. Let's share something else here. While working on the ongoing Print editions of artetc. news & views, we were amazed to note how little documentation actually exists on Prints, despite the fact that more and more collectors are turning towards Prints as a viable medium of investment. Both in terms of market as well as in terms of specialized and incisive critical corpus, Prints stand in no comparison with its more accomplished counterparts like Paintings and Sculpture. This was also a reason for us to come up with the idea of dedicating a string of three editions of artetc. news & views to Prints. We think this effort will satisfy you, dear reader, on your queries on Prints and help you in understanding their value as an artistic genre to a large extent. Incidentally, I also take this opportunity to make you aware of a major show that opened on August 23, 2011 at Emami Chisel Art in Kolkata. Curated by Dr. Saba Gulraiz and featuring 22 artists, the show was inaugurated by Ganesh Haloi. Artists from outside West Bengal, or as we have been recently re-christned, Pashchim Banga, also attented the function including Achuthan Kudallur, Yusuf, Shridhar Iyer, Vilas Shinde, Jinsook Shinde and R. B. Bhaskaran, along with artists from Kolkata like Shekhar Roy, Amitava Dhar, Tapas Konar, Samindranath Majumdar and Sunil De. Senior artists like Sunil Das, Sanat Kar and Jayshree Chakraborty also graced the occasion. Do write to us about your reactions to this issue. As you know, your feedback is as important to this magazine as one's daily bread and butter- since those few lines are what has sustained us till this day.


Richa Agarwal   
Vikram Bachhawat