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ART news & views

Ah, the heat
Volume: 2 Issue No: 3 Month: 4 Year: 2010

March has barely gone, and the city is already reeling under the summer heat. Elsewhere, business goes on as usual. At the moment, it mainly concerns the Indian Premier League season in the country, and it seems to be the only worthwhile event happening in the evenings. However, 'chapatti cricket' may not always enthuse cricket romantics, it can definitely be the order of the day for those with an eye for the ultimate in entertainment, thrill and comfort. Stars, food, music, nail-biting finishes each spice in the recipe of a well-spent evening is present in dollops in the Indian Premier Leaugue.

We, like everybody else, are thus having our due of the season living on a heavy dose of T-20 entertainment these days. However, that does not rule out our primary foci, which is you and your reading pleasure. Hence, another issue of 'Art News & Views' to bring you the news from around the world of art, auctions and the art markets.

In fact, quite a few interesting auctions are happening this month, notable among which are the 'Save the Earth' auction being spearheaded by Christie’s and participated by some of the best known celebrities of our time from around the globe both from the creative community as well as from Hollywood. It promises to be no less glamorous a fundraiser than the IPL for sure.

Bonhams in UK is meanwhile on a different trip altogether, with a variety of offering spread out over the month, the most interesting among which seems to be the sale of ancient Greek vases and urns giving you a chance to posses not only a piece of history, but also a piece of inspiration. Remember John Keats and his 'Ode to a Greciun Urn'?

On the business front, the art market has started showing signs of coming out of last year's crisis already. As reports of auctions start pouring in, we see more and more pieces are outbid of their base price, which only leaves us with the hope that what we predicted at the beginning of this year is finally coming true.

And in-between all this, we wait for your feedback dear friend, on this and other issues of your friendly neighbourhood art mag 'Art News & Views'. So, welcome, as you turn the pages.