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ART news & views

Creative Impulse
Volume: 2 Issue No: 3 Month: 4 Year: 2010

Atul Dodiya, one of the most prominent painters of India in the modern art scenario. His works portray the characters from the middle class Indian society. Having walked a long distance throughout his artistic career and getting conferred with a number of national and international awards, Dodiya speaks his mind about his creations, inspirations and passions to Sourya Deb.

S.D: You are a figurative artist, have you ever tried to do abstract paintings?

A.D: No, I never tried to do abstract painting because I always wanted to do figurative paintings.

S.D: We observe that you are deeply influenced by the happenings around you and these get reflected in your works, what are the things or trivialities that affect you mostly?

A.D: I get affected by anything which is happening around me, but the unrest, political turmoil, distress of people do affect me very much. I perceive these things very deeply and I reflect them in my paintings.

S.D: Your Gandhi series drawn with luminous yellow-whites merged with deep ambers claimed a lot of fame for you, what inspired you to work on Gandhi?

A.D: The personality of Gandhi inspires me very much; he is one of the most important political figures and social activists of our country. Through my works I wanted to present Gandhi to the world.

S.D: You have got several national and international acclaims, starting from the Sotheby's prize for contemporary art in 1999, your works been shown at the Tate museum, London, Gold medal from Government of Maharashtra, which is the best and most cherished and why?

A.D: All the acclaims are important to me because they have been conferred to me at different times and I respect all the awards. It's actually very difficult to say which is the most important. But the most significant award or prize which I got since my childhood days and which I cherish till now was the day when my father brought me a first class train ticket to go and watch an exhibition in the nearby town.

S.D: Who are the Indian artists whose works inspire you?

A.D: I got inspired by the works of abstract as well as figurative artists. I love Raza, Souza, Tyeb Mehta and Jamini Roy's works. The different genres of paintings have a different appeal to me. I draw inspiration from all of them.

S.D: We have also known that you love travelling a lot? Does it influence your works?

A.D: When I travel, it's a totally new experience altogether. The interesting things about a place are important to me, I watch them keenly and may be they come into my paintings but I don't bring them deliberately into my works.

You have keen interest in films and Satyajit Ray tops the list followed by Kurosawa, Antonioni, Tarkovsky and others. Have you ever thought of making a film, what will be the theme of the film?

A.D: Yes I like watching films very much and its one of my favourite pastime when I'm not painting. Till now I haven't thought of making a film but I wish to make one in future. I haven't decided about the theme of the film but it would be about the people of my country, their sorrows and their happiness.