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ART news & views

Have I Ever Opposed You?
Volume: 2 Issue No: 3 Month: 4 Year: 2010


Group Show

18th March to 22nd May
Faye Fleming & Partner, Geneva

The title of the current exhibition quotes the response of Mahatma Gandhi to the British Governor, General Lord Mountbatten on the day of the vote for Partition of India during which Gandhi controversially observed his day of silence.

Seven emerging artists from India and Pakistan have participated in this group show along with an earlier generation artist - Nalini Malani. The participants from India are Kanishka Raja, C.K. Rajan, Abir Karmakar, Aji V.N. and from Pakistan are Waseem Ahmed, Ambreen Butt and Rashid Rana.

The inclusion of artists from both India and Pakistan attempts to reflect the possibility of viewing contemporary art developments in both the countries.

India and Pakistan share a history of visual culture. Artists in both countries often refer to the traditional aspects of the Persian and Mughal miniature painting and this source of reference is clear from the works of C.K. Rajan, Kanishka Raja, Ambreen Butt and Waseem Ahmed.