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ART news & views

Ascending Energy, Merging Forms: Works by Satish Gujral
Volume: 3 Issue No: 15 Month: 4 Year: 2011


Lalit Kala Akademi, New Delhi
April 7 to April 13


Ascending Energy, Merging Forms is the latest show of Satish Gujral's paintings, bronze sculptures and drawings through which he depicts the more universal yet complex structures that compose his forms.

Every few years Gujral changes his style and medium, and with it the very language of expression. This new phase in Gujral's work combines sinuous and undulating form of bodies, harnesses and ropes merged with the geometrical projections of mechanical objects such as umbrellas, wheels, kites and shafts and the instruments. At one level one must admire the sheer craft in the seamless melding of forms. The texture and colours accentuates the intensity and spiritual element in Satish Gujral's new works borne out of a vision that is simultaneously individual and responsive to external stimuli.

The paintings reflect the Fount, the beginning where dualities are merged, be it male-female, energy source-harnessing, animate-inanimate. Cymbal players, man restraining a bull by its horns, a bicycle rider with a horse harness are seen in his works.

At the age of 85 his art continue to breath youth and this coming show will only be a testimonial to his versatility.