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ART news & views

East City Kolkata: Before the campaign
Volume: 2 Issue No: 2 Month: 3 Year: 2010


Leena Kejriwal
Birla Academy of Art & Culture
5th February to 5th March

Leena Kejriwal has been living and working in Kolkata for a long time. But in her current exhibition she displays those photographs which represent a much aged Calcutta, the typical babu-bibi culture which prevailed during the pre- independence time in Calcutta. She has travelled along the streets of Kolkata extensively and tried to mingle with the smallest of details which she had confined in her works. The development of the city, starting from the time when it was the British Capital till todays transformation of the city, through various layers has been brilliantly captured in her photographs. The works are interesting with interweaving of religions, languages, remnants of colonialism, architecture and cultural facets. The show has been curated by Shaheen Merali, an independent curator and writer living and working in Berlin and London.