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ART news & views

S.H. Raza
Volume: 2 Issue No: 2 Month: 3 Year: 2010


Syed Haider Raza
Vadehra Art Gallery, Defence Colony
3 to 24 March

This exhibition showcases seventeen of Raza's work done in acrylic on canvases, tin and paper. Raza, is known for his renowned series of paintings 'Bindu' which had started when his teacher put a dot on the paper to make him meditate on it. Raza came in close contact with the artists like F.N. Souza, K.H Ara, M.F Husain, Akbar Padamsee, S.K. Bakre, Tyeb Mehta, V.S. Gaitonde and they formed the Bombay Progressive Artist's Group. After that Raza got the prestigious French scholarship and settled in Paris.

S.H Raza is one of the greatest figures in Indian art, who is always ready to share his acumen with his addressees. Raza has got a strong belief that the element called 'time' can only bear out the value of art. His works are mainly spiritual-abstract in nature. These recent works by S.H Raza is proficient of guiding the viewer to an appreciating around the perception of unrestraint through colours. These works by S.H Raza are passionate and captivating.