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ART news & views

Rythmic Significance
Volume: 2 Issue No: 2 Month: 3 Year: 2010


Partha Shaw
Galerie 88
19 February to 6 March

It certainly is not an easy task to limit the present series into an established art-historical jargon as the similarity of Partha's automated artwork with Tagoreana or abstract impressionism of any kind ends just there. His canvases and paperboards of substantial dimension, contain a lot more that always catches viewer's attention. His recent journeys, particularly in the distant lands that cribbed early civilizations, has enriched his visual lexis by offering him symbols and motifs loaded with historical significance. He has sacrificed his preferred choice of surreal blue and has opted for black and white to take a different look at his creative impulses with indispensable elements. The way he has used black and white is a genuine visual treat for the audience.