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ART news & views

Malevich matters and other shutters
Volume: 2 Issue No: 2 Month: 3 Year: 2010


Atul Dodiya
Vadehra Art Gallery, Okhla
5 March to 10 April

Atul Dodiya has been working with roller shutter since 1999-2000. But with time he has matured a lot and has got a firm grip on this medium. The shutters as used by him are attuned at various levels, at times they are half open, three-quarters shut or fully lowered. These shutters pamper the viewers with a diverging proportion of restraint to revelation. In the 12 paintings that form his recent group of work, 'Malevich Matters & Other Shutters', Dodiya ruptures with this formal model. In these works, he opts to tune in metal objects on canvas and a new degree of conceptualism develops by looking at his works. Dodiya uses elements of dream, posters, quotes from journals, books; he portrays manifestation of private thoughts and pressing issues of national importance. The way he produces textual and pictorial compositions in his paintings is simply outstanding. The use of colours is also very subtle in all the works.