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ART news & views

Volume: 3 Issue No: 13 Month: 2 Year: 2011

In the light of a newly independent nation, the Moderns started their parallel expression of freedom that emerged with their imagery and their mediums. Their canvasses told the story of the individual, the nation, and its tryst with modernity.

The Modern's brought to front various styles dominating their Western contemporaries such as Expressionism, Surrealism, Cubism, and Primitivism. Boundaries between form and space are dissolved within a flux of abstracted shapes, simultaneously insubstantial and real, these images capture a sense of a fleeting moment and a psychological condition. The painter assumes the role of the story teller and the canvas is his script. A sense of history with a catch of colour brings to us the essence of Independent India.

SH Raza found his fame in Paris, while FN Souza shocked London with his compelling work, continuing to defy, taunt and challenge to win praise and success. The third, enigmatic and energetic MF Husain, who stayed in touch with the soil of India to intuitively and spontaneously paint the essence of India, its countryside and its mythology and continues to do so more than five decades later.

From Souza's Lovers to Akbar Padamsee's metascape and Ram Kumar's abstract landscapes the moderns brings us paintings that provoked, invoked, and caressed their realities, directed the conventional to the contested, and traditions to modernism.


Arun Vadehra